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Pastured Chickens

Simple Living

1 whole pastured chicken | Approx 4 pounds @ $3.75/pounds = $15.00 + $0.00 Assembly Out of Stock
1 8 piece cut up chicken | Approx 5.5 pounds @ $4.25/pounds = $23.38 + $0.00 Assembly Out of Stock
1 whole fryer | Approx 2.5 pounds @ $3.75/pounds = $9.38 + $0.00 Assembly Out of Stock

Our chickens are raised outdoors, and a moved daily to new grass. The ones you find in the supermarket are cooped up in a huge building with thousands of other birds with "access" to the outdoors, allowing them to be called "free range". Along with the grass, garden scraps, bugs and worms they find, they are supplemented with a corn and soymeal feed containing all the vitamins and minerals they need to be healthy and produce quality tasting meat.

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