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Meet the Anderson family, we're passionate about agriculture and living a simple and natural life.
Our farm focuses on providing high quality meat and produce direct to your door at an affordable cost. In 2016, we started in hopes to educate people on agriculture while satisfying the need for natural, affordable, whole foods.
We started with 1 cow, a handful of pigs and no fences. Almost 6 years later we have built our own beef herd, fostered some dairy cattle and bottle lambs and entered into sustainable pasture grazing programs with lots of fences!
We strive to provide the majority of the feed for our animals by raising our own corn, alfalfa and grass hay, all while giving back to the earth through grazing management practices and crop rotation. Simple Living is MN Grown Certified and in 2021 we became MN Water Quality Certified. We have also taken training to receive our Beef Quality and Pork Quality Assurance certificates. This can assure you that when you buy from us, you are supporting clean water practices, ethical treatment of animals and a local family.
Visit us on the farm for a taste of the simple life.
Travis and I got married in the fall of 2016 and we started selling farm fresh meat the following year. I grew up on a small hobby livestock farm and Travis grew up on a crop farm. We always wanted to build something for ourselves and for our own future family. With our passion for good food, animals and the simple life, it wasn’t long before Simple Living was created.
The man who makes it all happen! --->
This is Travis; farmer, carpenter, maintenance crew, livestock handler and about 1,000 other titles.
After graduating from Alexandria for carpentry Travis spent 4 years focusing on his carpentry work until some crazy lady married him and convinced him animals are fun and we should live off the land!
Now he spends his days taking care of all the livestock, building and adding on all over the yard (our house included), working on carpentry jobs, planting/harvesting, making sure to grow, harvest, grind and mix enough feed and occasionally daddy day care when my job gets out of hand.
There is really nothing he can’t do. Also his favorite animal on the farm is the pigs 🐷 But, this picture of him and one of his ladies was too good though 😂
Travis is a full time carpenter and full time farmer. He somehow manages to work around the clock, and still finds time to spend with his family. He enjoys fishing any time of the year-even if he doesn’t get the chance to go as often as he would like.
Mr. Miles! Miles is 5 years old and his favorite things are being in the garden in the summer, any sport with a ball and sweet corn. He is a true farm boy with a non-stop personality!
Miss Charlotte is the princess of the farm, but don’t let her cute looks fool you. She loves getting dirty and keeping up with big brother. Her favorite things are dinosaurs, being wherever mom and dad are and the color green.
Our newest addition, Carson kept mom anxious for weeks before the due date, only to need a push arriving 5 days after the big day!
<--- Jeanne and her Food Science team at State FFA Convention!
Jeanne tends to wear many hats working part time in accounting for a dairy, taking care of the children, making deliveries and marketing and managing the business. She enjoys hot coffee and silence-even if she doesn’t get either as often as she would like.